About Us

All you need to know about Goval Travel

Memorable Places

Explore Patagonia's stunning landscapes and hidden treasures with our expert-led tours, promising unforgettable experiences.

Amazing Teams

Our enthusiastic, knowledgeable guides ensure each journey is not just a trip, but a story worth telling.


Dedicated to preserving Patagonia, our eco-friendly adventures prioritize sustainability and environmental respect.

Exiting Adventures

Get ready for thrilling, diverse adventures that blend adrenaline with the serene beauty of Patagonia.


Who We Are

Locally Rooted Ownership

Our team, comprised entirely of residents, brings an intimate understanding of this Beautiful land. This insider knowledge allows us to craft and offer unparalleled experiences, showcasing the best of Patagonia. Our roots in the local community empower us to provide authentic, enriching adventures that resonate with the spirit of this incredible region. With us, you’re not just visiting; you’re experiencing Patagonia through the eyes of those who call it home.


Our Mission & Vision

Preserving Patagonia's Paradise

Our mission centers on safeguarding the region’s natural wonders. We strive to leave a minimal environmental footprint, ensuring that Patagonia’s landscapes remain pristine for future generations.

Adventures with Impact

We envision a travel experience where each adventure not only thrills but also educates. Our goal is to foster a deeper appreciation for nature, culture, and sustainable tourism among our travelers.

Local Connection, Global Reach

At Goval Travel, we aim to bridge local insights with travelers from around the world. We believe in offering authentic experiences that reflect the true spirit and culture of Patagonia.

Empowering Through Exploration

Our vision is to empower our guests through unique, transformative travel experiences. We’re committed to providing adventures that challenge, inspire, and leave a lasting impact.